Digest - Week 2023/32

Expo Orbit: Download and launch builds - Expo Changelog

Check out new updates from Expo on the Expo changelog. ㅤ

Generative AI Glossary for Business Leaders | Salesforce

Is everyone around you talking about large language models and prompt engineering? Are you lost? This generative AI glossary will help guide you. ㅤ

Project IDX

Project IDX is an entirely web-based workspace for full-stack application development, complete with the latest generative AI (powered by Codey and PaLM 2), and full-fidelity app previews, powered by cloud emulators. ㅤ

Understanding React Server Components – Vercel

React Server Components are changing the fundamental paradigms of React. Learn how Next.js handles the complexities and improves the performance of your applications. ㅤ

One-time permissions in Chrome - Chrome Developers

Allow this time is a one-time option for permission grants in Chrome. It will initially be available on desktop only for geolocation, camera, and microphone. ㅤ

Building Your Application: Caching | Next.js

An overview of caching mechanisms in Next.js. ㅤ

Average Manager vs. Great Manager | by Julie Zhuo | The Year of the Looking Glass | Medium

Explained in 10 sketches... ㅤ

grassmunk/Chicago95: A rendition of everyone's favorite 1995 Microsoft operating system for Linux.

A rendition of everyone's favorite 1995 Microsoft operating system for Linux.